* due to tight budget This production used minimal people and labour costs to make, however we were spread very thin and more budget for labour was needed.
Harris Fencing decorated with junkyard stuff on outside and silver clouds and cladding inside.
Check List:
Accessible to all ages and abilities:
All are welcome in this joint. Lots to see, hear & enjoy.
• Interactive and multisensory
DJ set, dance space, chill zone.
• Suitable for the day and the night
• Totally safe
• Unbreakable or placed completely out of reach. Securely attached materials and fencing.
• Made from recycled or sustainable materials -
The set very much defines re-use. Taking things that would be junk and finding them a new life. We have acquired a load of old wood and junk for the exterior cladding to surround the crashed side of the campervan. There are very few decorations not second hand or upcycled. We will make sure all other materials are reusable and will find another life.
• Weatherproof and suitable for outdoors
amendments to the 2023 design:
-Less fencing so its not an inclosed area, more of a semi circle
- More heavily decorated junk fences
-cushions and rugs (maybe folding chairs) for causal seating - low down and movable / adaptable for the vibe ie dancing or chilling. (waterproof cushions and nice outdoor mats)
Notes for the next production:
Bring big pan and gas stove to cater for the crew, include food for crew in budget
No Silver Lining sign above the gazebo, and replace corex clouds around the bottom with wooden Silver Linings sign.
Use big tent for storage of materials etc
More crew but for less days + everyone to help take down
Pre attach junk to wire frames before hand so they can be quickly attached to fencing on site.
Trailer not covered with black material / hidden.. lean into the trailer affect as it is 'a crashed vehicle good for nothing' on that side.. fences are on the inside rather than outside - will look more realistic and makes the inside area neater.