After movie, Silver Linings at Latitude festival

Reviving the wreckage of me and my sisters campervan crash, Silver Linings was formed from a contrasting feeling of sadness for the written off van and gratefulness to be alive and unharmed. I wanted to create a space that recreates this feeling of acceptance and celebration of the present moment and finds the good out of a bad situation.

The way that we crashed meant that one side of the van was all smashed up and the other normal (from rolling and skidding on one side)… this ying yang contrast formed the idea of the structure of the space.. the venue is made so that festival- goers approach it from the smashed up, car crash scene side of the camper van… they follow the junk decorated wall around, past a sign that says From Junk to Funk, through a magical sparkly door to find an enclosed area where the unscathed side of charming little Eric is the centre piece hosting good - vibes- only music, surrounded by decorated clouds, shiny materials and fairy lights. The props and materials we used were all recycled and upcyled products made into something else, continuing the theme.

I wanted it to be a bit hidden and for people to stumble upon it… its enclosed area means everyone feels a part of it, and everyone is dancing together. They go from car crash to celebration. Its a reminder of the fragility of life and how we can choose to make great things from misfortunes and failures. Every cloud has as silver lining..
Production Team
Set Builders 
 Zoe Gillett - @zoegillettfilm
Harriet Gillett- @harrietgillettart
Sue & Charles Gillett
Kitty Petrides - @kittypprops
Tarzan Kingofthejungle - @tarzan_kingofthejungle
Tim Nott
Anthea Davidson
Zak Robinson
DJ : Ellie Bacon - @ellzyb_ ​​​
Activation hosts: Rossie Mayhew , Catie Gilchrist
Photographer: Dom Compton - @straightouttac_

My multi skilled team all have experience and skills as artists, set designers  / builders with practical, artistic and mechanical backgrounds.

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